Timestamps are in GMT/BST.
[0:05] <gregoiregentil> closed source...
[0:23] * shiznebit (n=shiznebi@ool-18b99096.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #touchbook
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[1:03] <ryuo> evening guys.
[1:06] * JaMa|Off (n=martin@161- has left #touchbook
[1:09] <Corsac> morning :)
[1:09] <FIN__Master> good morning
[1:11] <FIN__Master> Someone has stolen the helpdesk from the webpages
[1:14] * viridior (n=viridis@ip98-169-154-191.dc.dc.cox.net) has joined #touchbook
[1:18] <FIN__Master> Hmm. Found it but I think it should be somewhere else than in the lower edge of the page..'
[1:21] * zopper (n=wampyr_w@ip-85-161-35-181.eurotel.cz) has joined #touchbook
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[2:37] * blunderer (n=tristan@LPuteaux-156-15-47-90.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr) Quit ("Leaving.")
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[4:53] * DJW|Home is now known as DJWillis
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[8:46] * Martix (n=Martix@gw-unart.inext.cz) has joined #touchbook
[8:46] <Martix> hi
[8:46] * alextisserant (n=alextiss@c-76-21-41-103.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Client Quit)
[8:47] <Martix> what's new about early november TB orders?
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[8:51] * tommd (n=Thomas_D@71-34-69-61.ptld.qwest.net) has joined #touchbook
[8:52] <mervaka_> gregoiregentil: just received my new bottom part PCB
[8:52] <mervaka_> v1.5
[8:52] <mervaka_> differs somewhat from v1.2 which i had
[8:53] <mervaka_> and the touchpad doesnt seem to work :s
[8:55] * t_s_o (n=tso@202.84-49-132.nextgentel.com) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[9:07] * alextisserant (n=alextiss@c-76-21-41-103.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit ()
[9:10] <mervaka_> nor the mouse buttons
[9:13] <MikeEvans> Martix: if it is any help, I placed my order early Nov and have recently received mine.
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[9:29] * setanta (n=setanta@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[9:35] * azaghal (n=azaghal@ Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[9:39] <Martix> MikeEvans: where did you received e-mail about bank account charge and shipment?
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[10:02] * azaghal_ is now known as azaghal
[10:07] <Martix> MikeEvans: *when :-)
[10:16] <zopper> is updater.sh script working?
[10:17] <zopper> #updater.sh: nothing for the moment.
[10:17] <zopper> check update tell me, I have 2010.1a
[10:17] <zopper> and there is new version
[10:18] <zopper> but updater didnt work
[10:28] * merp (n=merp@ has joined #touchbook
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[10:39] * _koen_ (n=x0115699@nat/ti/x-nagpwtlamfzkwvzf) Quit ("Leaving.")
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[10:51] * MMlosh (n=MMlosh@2001:470:1f0b:b78:c857:a4e8:73cd:5eb3) Quit ("ipv6 router reboot (kernel upgrade)")
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[10:58] * ghost is now known as azaghal__
[11:04] * azaghal (n=azaghal@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:04] * azaghal_ (n=azaghal@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:15] <MikeEvans> Martix: sorry - was away from keyboard. I ordered first or second week of Nov. I received a shipping notice just before Christmas and the package arrived last weekend
[11:16] <Martix> I was ordered TB 6.11.
[11:17] <Martix> srr, 6 Nov :-)
[11:18] <MikeEvans> send an email with your order number on it then - I'm sure someone will get back to you with an update - perhaps another batch is due very soon, you must be near the top of the list now
[11:22] * azaghal__ is now known as azaghal
[11:25] * setanta (n=setanta@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:29] * robbrit (n=ai@ has joined #touchbook
[11:31] <robbrit> hey, how can i check the status of an update?
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[11:36] <MikeEvans> how do you mean robbrit?
[11:37] <robbrit> i went to check update and it started updating, how can i check when it is done?
[11:38] <MikeEvans> II didn't think that was supposed to work yet - but I could be wrong
[11:38] <robbrit> hmm
[11:39] <robbrit> darn
[11:39] <MikeEvans> altough having said that I just ran it and it came back saying that 2010.01.b is available
[11:39] <robbrit> yup thats what it said
[11:40] <robbrit> i clicked update and it said it would update in the background
[11:40] <robbrit> i was wondering if i could check the status
[11:41] <MikeEvans> now I might be out of date here but I thought that the only way to get an update at the moment was to download it and put it onto the ssd from another computer. I'm no expert though - only got my tb on Saturday
[11:41] <MikeEvans> and of course things are improving all the time
[11:41] <robbrit> hmm
[11:41] <robbrit> uhoh, i dont have another computer with an sd reader :(
[11:42] <robbrit> alright, i will go on a mission to do that :) thanks
[11:42] <MikeEvans> I think my strategy is going to be to buy another SSD and install any new version to that, then swap them over in the tb - then at least I can go back to what I had (I'm just nervous that way :))
[11:43] <robbrit> yeah im probably going to brick this thing at least once
[11:43] <zopper> MikeEvans: yeah, I am doing it exactly
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[11:46] <MikeEvans> I'm due to fly with this thing shortly. I'm thinking "flight safe mode - hahahaha"
[11:46] <MikeEvans> I suppose there is just the option to open it and remove the WiFi and bluetooth devices
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[12:54] * Meizirkki (n=Meizirkk@bbwirelessgw2-fee1dc00-2.dhcp.inet.fi) Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[12:57] <javaJake> modprobe -r bluetooth ;)
[12:57] <MikeEvans> hmm - well that would work - but not before switching on for example
[12:58] * zopper (n=wampyr_w@ip4-83-240-68-155.cust.nbox.cz) has left #touchbook
[12:58] <MikeEvans> presumably /etc/init.d/networking stop or some such would work for the WiFi too
[12:59] <javaJake> Ah, in that case, make a nonetwork runlevel
[12:59] <javaJake> Assuming you want to mess with the terminal
[13:00] <javaJake> I'm not sure what the Linux experience level average is around here :)
[13:00] <MikeEvans> Oh I've been linux only since whenever Fedora Core 2 was in vogue :) Not that that makes me an expert
[13:01] <tommd> mid 2004
[13:02] <tommd> I think thats when FC2 came out
[13:02] <MikeEvans> but again - to be truely 'flight safe' I would have to know that the device would come up from startup without transmitting anything wouldn't I?
[13:02] <MikeEvans> thanks tommd - that sounds about right
[13:04] * MMlosh (n=MMlosh@2001:470:1f0b:b78:c857:a4e8:73cd:5eb3) Quit ("Bye...")
[13:06] <MikeEvans> in fact I think I'll probably be best relying on good old paper based books for the flight and hoping that Quantas have a decent movie selection - probably leave the tb in my bag
[13:09] <MikeEvans> If I feel tempted to get it out so I can listen to my own music then I can remove the usb devices before starting it up
[13:10] <javaJake> There's always the kernel module blacklist.
[13:11] <javaJake> As long as the modules don't load the hardware will remain dormant.
[13:11] <MikeEvans> oh yes - blast from the past - so I could edit that before getting on the plane
[13:12] <javaJake> Yep :)
[13:21] <MikeEvans> interestingly lsmod does not reveal a module I recognise as loaded by default so maybe that is loaded on demand when a program attempts to use bluetooth
[13:25] <MikeEvans> it has rt3070sta, which I presume is the WiFi driver
[13:26] <Sn0wman_Desk> you guys have any notable improvments in 01.b?
[13:27] <MikeEvans> not tried it (too scared)
[13:27] <Sn0wman_Desk> hehe
[13:27] <Sn0wman_Desk> I just need a way to type faster (autocomplete would be amazing!) and more accurate touch
[13:27] <Sn0wman_Desk> then AIOS would be hella amazing
[13:28] <MikeEvans> alexandre mentioned in an email that the right-click emulation in tablet mode had been sorted in 01.b
[13:28] <Sn0wman_Desk> on ubuntu?
[13:28] <Sn0wman_Desk> cuz right click was holding your finger down in AIOS for the past few versions
[13:30] * leinir (n=leinir@amarok/usability/leinir) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:30] <MikeEvans> yeah - but did you ever get it to work? I couln't - maybe it's my old shaky hands :)
[13:32] <Sn0wman_Desk> yah, I got it to work fine all the time
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[14:33] <MikeEvans> has anyone seen a good travel case for their tb? I'll have to get sewing otherwise - and you can't believe how bad my needlework is
[14:36] * mcr (n=mcr@ Quit ("Leaving.")
[14:40] <tommd> I've been looking for a sleeve but want to know whatever one I get will fit the TB. I've looked at Kroo sleeves but they say 1.3" width which is exactly the TB and the legs might get in the way.
[14:41] <MikeEvans> just spotted this on amazon: http://tinyurl.com/ydxb6cj which is even the right colours!
[14:41] <vti_> hi, i am experiencing some strange behavior, my tb is out of power, and if i plug in adaptor to the screen it works, but doesn't charge, if i plug in to the keyboard and doesn't even work, and doesn't charge nor a keyboard, neither a screen :(
[14:45] <MikeEvans> not good - but you know that :( did it happen suddenly or has there been a gradual change?
[14:46] <vti_> well, i just received it
[14:46] <vti_> so it actually never charged
[14:48] <MikeEvans> best get on to support by email or prod alextisserant here to see if he is awake
[14:49] <vti_> ye, i would do it
[14:50] <MikeEvans> when you plug the adapter in the keyboard does the little light to the right of the input show orange?
[14:51] <vti_> ye, keyboard has light, but doesn't blink or gets green even after i left it charging for a night
[14:52] <MikeEvans> sounds like the bottom battery is not connected properly
[14:53] <vti_> there is similar question in the FAQ, but solution does look logical to me.. screen is working with a plug, but doesn't charge
[14:53] <vti_> *does not look
[14:55] <MikeEvans> in the FAQ? I don't see that
[14:55] <vti_> http://www.alwaysinnovating.com/wiki/index.php/Troubleshooting#My_batteries_does_not_seem_to_charge
[14:55] <MikeEvans> ah - in the troubleshooting I see it now
[14:56] <vti_> and also screen gets realy hot
[14:56] <MikeEvans> mine gets a little warm - but not really hot
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[14:58] <MikeEvans> I must go to bed
[14:58] <vti_> nn
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[15:16] <Sn0wman_Desk> gregoiregentil: is there any way I can get a new keyboard from warranty? my 1,2,q,w, and a keys keep going out and quit working
[15:16] <Sn0wman_Desk> and tab
[15:25] * azaghal_ (n=azaghal@ Quit (Connection timed out)
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[15:29] <martinh> I think you should just invent a new language that doesn't need those keys.
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[19:14] <Sn0wman_Desk> gregoiregentil?
[19:26] <Sn0wman_Desk> gregoiregentil: I sent you an email at gregoire@alwaysinnovating.com since I'm going to bed
[19:26] <gregoiregentil> OK
[19:41] <Sn0wman_Desk> actually gregoiregentil: in short, the email says that my keyboard has been getting worse (now 6-7 keys stopped working) and I was wondering if I can send it in and get another one under waranty
[19:41] <gregoiregentil> yes
[19:42] <Sn0wman_Desk> can you e-mail the address I need to send it to or tell me the webpage or what I need to do?
[19:42] <Sn0wman_Desk> can you tell me *in an* email address, where I need to send it to
[19:42] <gregoiregentil> contact@alwaysinnovating.com. Reference this chat
[19:42] <Sn0wman_Desk> alrighty, thanks
[19:47] <Sn0wman_Desk> and its still ok that I don't have any of the order information?
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[20:14] <azul> gregoiregentil: so have the rest if the counterbalance shipments been processed?
[20:14] <azul> of*
[20:14] <gregoiregentil> yes
[20:15] <azul> are they shipped through the mail?
[20:17] <tommd> azul: From what I heard they had all been shipped a while ago.
[20:23] <azul> that's disconcerting
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[22:53] <zopper> are frequently SIGSEGV normal?
[22:54] <tommd> no
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